Changelog: 0.3.0 Sanctuary in Time
Sanctuary in Time » Devlog

Greetings, one and all!
Version 0.3.0 of Sanctuary in Time is now available! We've got a lot of updates to discuss, so buckle up and check 'em out.
Max (Novus Operandi)
Sanctuary in Time is a text-based, adult management game with a sci-fi twist! Fill the halls of your citadel with beautiful female followers rescued from throughout history, add structures, upgrade them, and survive the forces that killed your father!
- New Feature: The Gene Lab. You can now customize additional cosmetic attributes of your followers by tweaking their genetic code! Thanks to the wonders of Celestial technology, near-instant genetic procedures can be performed w/ no deleterious side-effects. All they cost is a little bit of energy. The higher a follower’s Devotion becomes, the more attributes she allows to be modified. And these new options are available under the ‘Genetic Options’ buttons that can now be found in a follower’s Management interface.
- At ‘Very Trusting’ Devotion:
- Modify Eye Color. Regardless of their ethnicity, all eye colors are available for selection here. So go wild! Plus, a few non-naturally occurring options are available as well for a higher cost in energy.
- Modify Hair Color. Like eye colors above, all hair colors are available for selection here, regardless of the follower’s ethnicity. Plus, a few non-naturally occurring options can be purchased for more energy as well. Hot pink, anyone?
- Modify Age. You can now rewind (or fast-forward) time for your followers by altering their age. Several decade ranges are selectable (such as 20’s, 30’s, etc.), and once chosen, a random age from within that decade will be assigned. You can even select ‘Under 20’, if you prefer your followers to be 18 or 19 year-olds.
- At ‘Unquestioning’ Devotion:
- Modify Facial Beauty. All the standard options are listed here, plus a non-naturally occurring option of ‘angelic’, which costs a bit more energy.
- Modify Breast Size. All the standard options are available, plus a not-so-naturally occurring xtra-large option for a higher cost in energy.
- Modify Breast Firmness. You can now combine any breast size with any level of firmness, including a new extra-perky option called ‘pert’, which can also now occur randomly for followers who start with either ‘small’ or ‘modest’ breasts.
- Modify Buttocks Size. Mix-and-match your top and bottom sizes to your heart’s content with the newly selectable buttocks sizes.
- At ‘Very Trusting’ Devotion:
- New Feature: The Outfit Shop. A better way to acquire & manage outfits for your followers! Previously, cosmetic outfits were unlocking automatically for followers when they reached certain thresholds in skill level or Devotion. But this system didn’t feel as fun & engaging as I hoped it would, so I’ve decided to overhaul how it works. Now, when certain thresholds in skill level or Devotion are reached for a follower, new outfits become available for them in the Outfit Shop (accessible by clicking ‘Purchase Outfits’ under the normal outfit selection drop-down). These outfits must be purchased using the in-game currency of silver before a follower can wear them. And each follower will have their own virtual ‘wardrobe’ which contains the outfits purchased for them. These purchased outfits can then be assigned to a follower via the standard ‘Follower Outfit’ drop-down selector inside the follower Management Interface. I’m hoping this will be a more fun & engaging way of handling follower outfits. Plus it will give players an additional way to spend the silver generated by their settlement.
- New Outfits: Winged Variants! Have you ever wanted your followers to look a bit more... angelic? Well, now they can. The highest tier outfits now sport winged variants available for purchase (using in-game silver) in the Outfit Shop. Variants include wings in white, silver, gold, and pure light. The outfits that sport these variants are ‘white loincloth (topless)’ (which unlocks at Unquestioning devotion), ‘breastplace (bronze)’ (which unlocks at Skilled Expert in Combat), ‘temple robe (ornate)’ (which unlocks at Skilled Expert in Courtship), ‘medical tunic (2-piece)’ (which unlocks at Skilled Expert in Medical), and ‘caretaking tunic (2-piece)’ (which unlocks at Skilled Expert in Caretaking).
- New Erotic SideStory Events (which can launch randomly at end of Weekly Turn Report):
- You’re at your desk in your private quarters, going over weekly reports, when one of your followers enters. She sees you’re in need of taking a break, and kindly offers herself as a ‘pleasing distraction’. If you accept her offer, this can lead to an interactive scenario of seated intercourse that takes place in the chair at your desk. Options include foreplay, seated vaginal intercourse, and seated oral intercourse.
- You’re walking through the settlement, when a follower gets your attention and comes over. She says she’d like to discuss a personal matter with you... in private. If you accept, she leads you to a secluded part of the settlement. Once there, she expresses her deeply felt gratitude for everything you’ve done for her. But also admits that words alone cannot convey how she feels, so she offers to show you with more than words. If you consent to continue, this can lead to an interactive scenario of standing intercourse (against a nearby wall). Options include foreplay, standing vaginal intercourse, and standing oral intercourse.
- You’re getting ready for bed in your private quarters, when a follower enters and announces she’ll be on duty to serve you during the night. She asks if you have any special instructions for her, prior to her beginning her normal duties. If you instruct her to serve in your bed, this can lead to an interactive scenario of laying intercourse. Options include forelay, missionary intercourse, and laying oral intercourse.
- Two variations of this event can occur:
- A combat-assigned follower (‘Knight-errant’ or ‘Holy Paladin’) who is assigned to be your personal guard for the night.
- A courtship-assigned follower (‘Courtesan’ or ‘Temple Priestess’) who is assigned to be your personal attendant for the night.
- Two variations of this event can occur:
- Updated the following erotic scenarios with new drafts of more fleshed-out, detailed text:
- Seated Foreplay: Updated scene for choice Grind Against Vagina, as well as the climax choice Climax While Grinding.
- Seated Vaginal Intercourse: Significant re-write of majority of scenes and follower responses. Should be much improved now.
- Seated Oral Intercourse: Updated scenes for choices Ask Her to Suck Slowly, Ask Her to Suck Firmly, as well as the climax choices for Climax Inside Mouth, Climax Outside Mouth, and Climax on Breasts.
- Laying Foreplay: Updated scenes for choices Kiss, and Grind Against Stomach, as well as the climax choice Climax While Grinding.
- Laying Missionary Intercourse: Updated scenes for choices Kiss and Grind Against Clit.
- Laying Oral Intercourse: Updated scenes for choices Ask Her to Suck Slowly and Ask Her to Suck Firmly, as well as the climax choices Climax Inside Mouth, Climax Outside Mouth, and Climax On Breasts.
- Strength / Persuasion Balancing Tweaks. Adjusted the values for the amount of Strength / Persuasion a follower contributes to the settlement based on their duty assignment. Previous values were sometimes resulting in sudden spikes that made predicting Strength / Persuasion levels for the settlement difficult. I’m hoping the new values will result in a smoother, more predictable power-curve for the settlement, which should also make it easier to scale difficulty levels of challenges to match it. By that same token, I’ve adjusted the scaling difficulty levels of the game to match with the new power-curve model.
- Economy Balancing Tweaks.
- Lowered the silver earnings gained from follower assignments (on all performance outcomes) by 5% across the board. Silver was piling up a bit under the previous earnings model. So I’m hoping this will help balance out the earning vs spending ratio.
- In random SideStory events that ask the player to donate energy to a worthy cause (by using the replicators to fabricate supplies), the energy costs have been reduced by 50%. They were simply too high before.
- Misc Updates:
- The maximum age allowed when the game generates a new potential follower has been increased from 45 to 65. This is to take advantage of the new flexibility in age values made possible by the Gene Lab feature (see above). Now you can recruit an older, worn-down follower, and then restore their youth and beauty before placing them in your service.
- Refined the appearance & behavior of Settings / Cheat Options Menu to make it more clear as to when Cheat Options are available (before starting a game) and what game mode they will affect (a New Game start). Instead of simply being grayed-out during gameplay, the Cheat Options Menu will now be entirely removed from visibility, and the remaining Settings Menu will scale down to accommodate the empty space. Also added new text to Settings Menu to indicate the effect of Cheat Options, “To customize a New Game start.”
- Increased the chance for Recruitment or Sidestory events to launch following the Weekly Turn Report by 8%.
- [MAIN STORY SPOILERS] Increased the amount of time that will pass before the settlement gets hit by the first hostile scouting party of Anvil. Previous amount of time was 25-30 turns (after starting a new game), but now 35-40 turns will pass instead. This should give players a better chance to establish their new settlement before getting hit by a hostile force.
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Sanctuary in Time
A text-based, adult game with sci-fi & RPG elements!
Status | Released |
Author | NovusOperandiGames |
Genre | Simulation, Interactive Fiction, Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, Erotic, female-muscle-growth, fmg, NSFW, Sci-fi, Text based, Turn-based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Blind friendly |
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